Core Values
Worship- Honoring God through expressing our love and devotion.
Preaching and Teaching- We value communicating the Bible as God’s inspired word.
Fellowship- We value the honoring of God through loving relationships.
Prayer- Open communication with God.
Discipleship- Equipping believers for ministry.
We subscribe to the
Baptist Faith & Message 2000
as our Doctrinal Statement of Faith.
Families are important to nurture and grow in Christ. At FBC we value families and invite you to be a part of our church family. Families will hold together through tough times. We will help you to strengthen your family through the love of Jesus Christ.
Because Christ loved us and died for our sins we are equipped to do good works and build our faith and families to be stronger.
Christ is the way, the truth and the light. With Jesus we can accomplish anything. With Christ families are strengthened!