What To Expect
Visiting a church can be a bit intimidating, but knowing some of the expectations can bring some comfort to the experience. We are delighted and excited that you are interested in checking out our local church.
FBC is a loving community that seeks to glorify God in all that we do. We are an intergenerational body pursuing our hope and satisfaction in Christ Jesus. We are about Jesus Christ and His gospel
Come join us at 10:30am. A typical worship service will have a welcome and announcement time, musical worship (contemporary/traditional mix), congregational prayer, offering, special music and expository preaching (verse by verse study of the Word). A typical service will run a little over an hour.
We also have Bible Classes for all ages at 9:00am
You may also join us for a more intimate and casual time of Bible study and worship at 5:30pm
Our gatherings are about coming to worship the Lord God and not a fashion show. Most of the people attending, dress in casual clothing. You may find a few who are more formal and even the occasional suit and tie. Come dressed in what makes you feel comfortable.
Parking Info:
We have parking in front of the church and in a lot located at the south entrance to the church off of E Street. There is an additional lot located to the north of the church accessible from Welch St.
Service Times:
9:00am Bible Classes for all ages
10:30am Sunday Morning Worship